HomeUncategorizedLoRa: Eppur si muove….. 2)


LoRa: Eppur si muove….. 2) — 4 commenti

  1. Good day =)
    First thanks for great SW for Lora APRS.
    I am using version 4.0.1 for my custom Esp32 + SX1268 board for tracker and digi igate
    So question, can you send me last source of your great SW for updating my Igate and tracker.
    Thank You very much and have a nice day.
    Sorry for my English =)
    I try send e-mail but your server report Relay denied. My mail is: sim201010@gmail.com

    • Hi,
      sorry for the problem with e-mail I have to check…
      regarding the source for the 4.1.0 SW Alfredo IZ7BOJ is in charge of making it available over GitHub… I think he will make available it ASAP…
      thank you very much for your appreciation
      best regards


  2. Buongiorno,

    ho cercato di contattarvi via email per partecipare al progetto ma l’indirizzo sembra errato… potete controllare ?


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